Agriculture & Climate
The Wheeler Center has long focused attention on the agricultural roots of Montana’s economy and the policies that can sustain it. The center fosters dialogue that recognizes these roots in face of a changing economy and climate.
Keynote Address from Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson
Mike Simpson, U.S. Representative for the 2nd District of
Idaho, is a Republican known for his moderate stances. He was listed as one
of the 10 Best Members of Congress by Esquire magazine, which wrote,
“More than any other representative, Simpson lives by the philosophy that
democratic representation is a matter of finding not advantageous positions
but common ground”. Simpson serves on the House Appropriations
Committee and has been Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on
Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies.
Ensuring the Strength of Montana’s Agricultural Economy Day 1
Dr. Sreekala Bajwa, Vice President, Dean & Director, College of Agriculture &
Montana Agricultural Experiment Station
Dr. Tim DelCurto, Professor
Dr. Bruce Mawell, Professor
Ms. Dominique Woodham, MSU Extension Service
Ensuring the Strength of Montana’s Agricultural Economy Day 2
Bob Engeman, Farmer, Sunburst
JM Peck, Farmer, Melrose
Zachary Jones, Farmer, Harlowton
Vince Maxson, Farmer, Chester

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Find our entire lecture series on a variety of issues on our YouTube Channel.