The Wheeler Center engages with policymakers, businesses, and communities to facilitate deliberation about Montana’s future energy policy and regulation.
2018 Wheeler Center Conference: The Future of Coal in Montana
The Future of Coal Part 1: How Did We Get Here?
Dr. Robert Godby, Economist, University of Wyoming
Dr. Robert Lifset, Energy Historian, University of Oklahoma
Dr. Shawn Haboun, Sociologist, Evergreen State College, Washington
Dr. James Allison, Christopher Newport University, Virginia
The Future of Coal Part 2: Keynote Speaker Bill Richardson
Former New Mexico Governor and Former U.S. Secretary of Energy, Bill
Richardson served in the U.S. Congress and as U.S. Ambassador to the
United Nations and is fully conversant with energy issues in the West.
The Future of Coal Part 3: Robert Lifset
Dr.Robert Lifset is a professor at the University of Oklahoma Honors College.
His research and teaching interests focus on energy history, including the
business, policy, political, environmental, social, and cultural history of energy
with a focus on the United States in the 20th Century.
The Future of Coal Part 4: Broadening the Conversation
Todd O’Hair, Senior Manager for Government Affairs, Cloud Peak Energy
Jace Killsback, President, Northern Cheyenne Tribal Nation
Kenneth Brien, Chief Director of Energy, Crow Nation
Ellen Pfister, Rancher and member of Northern Plains Resource Council
Brent Bowen, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
The Future of Coal Part 5: Navigating the Future
Mark Haggerty, Headwaters Economics, Bozeman and Helena
Tom Schneider, engineer, consultant, former Montana Public Service
Daniel Zolnikov, Rep. HD 47, Chair, House Federal Relations, Energy and
Telecommunications Committee
Wendy Hutchinson, Millenium Bulk Terminals, Longview, Washington
Karen Baumgart, Workforce Development Director, Big Sky Economic
Development Authority

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