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We Help Resolve the Issues Montanans Face

The Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy in Bozeman, Montana, promotes the discussion, analysis and eventual resolution of critical issues facing Montana and the region.

“An informed people is the basis of, and a necessity for, successful democratic government. The people of the United States are entitled to hear all sides to a question whether it be political, economic, social, racial or religious.”

Senator Burton K. Wheeler

What We Do

We Foster Informed Public Policy Discourse

The Burton K. Wheeler Center for Public Policy in Bozeman, Montana is a non-partisan, non-profit organization offering Montanans the opportunity to discuss critical issues from various points of view to enable the development of informed public policy. In the spirit of Burton K. Wheeler – who served as U.S. Senator from Montana from 1923-1947 – the Center asserts that enlightened discussion of public policy is the cornerstone of our democracy.

How We Do It

We Provide Educational Resources for Montanans

The Center seeks to foster an informed citizenry by providing the only educational forum in the state where issues that affect Montana and the region are taken up in a regular, systematic, and rigorously non-partisan way. The Center holds conferences, sponsors research and lectures, supports policy fellowships, publishes reports and policy analysis, and maintains online tools and resources for Montanans and others who are seeking informed, thoughtful, and diverse ideas and solutions to some of today’s most pressing issues and problems.

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Featured Event

Montana, Mansfield & the Lost Art of Bipartisanship

The Wheeler Center is proud to host historian Marc C. Johnson as he discusses the lasting impact of Montana Senator Mike Mansfield.

Wednesday, Sep 20, 2023

Starts at 6pm

Montana State University

Strand Union Building (Ballroom A)


“The Wheeler Center provides Montana with a means for discussing issues that are vital to state development. The Center builds a bridge between Montana’s past and its future. I applaud its efforts.”

Max Baucus A
Former Montana Senator

“Senator Wheeler knew full well that good policy doesn’t come from one person. Doing what’s right for Montana-and America-comes from sharing ideas and information, hearing from all sides, and working together.”

Jon Tester
Montana Senior Senator

“The Wheeler Center provides Montana with a means for discussing issues that are vital to state development. The Center builds a bridge between Montana’s past and its future. I applaud its efforts.”

Max Baucus C
Former Montana Senator

The Wheeler Center is 100% privately funded and your donation will help carry on the legacy of Senator Wheeler. All contributions are tax deductible.